in the city

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4-9-02 // 2.12 pm

the long dark teatime of the soul

It's that time of the afternoon where I'm attacked on all fronts by the demons of laziness and sleepiness. I'm still basking in that post-lunchtime digestive glow, plus there's absolutely nothing doing at work. Plus, mid-afternoon always just puts me in the mood for a nap. So yeah, it's a bit of a struggle not to let my head hit my desk.

My tax refund check came in the mail yesterday, which totally rules. I'm putting almost all of it away in savings, though I am currently bidding on all this. I've been after the remasters for ages, not to mention the new album, and this is a freakishly good price for everything.

Erin is wonderful. Last night we sat around listening to music and doing mad libs. She dug out my embarrasing high school yearbook and signed it, which was incredibly sweet. We met up with Ryan at the was a bit annoying as he and his girlfriend are having some problems, and we were trying to talk with him, but the bar was showing some pro wrestling thing extremely loudly. Not the best environment. But yeah, I hope Ryan's doing OK, I haven't been able to get a hold of him since then. Anyway, Erin. She rocks, plain and simple. I'm just constantly amazed by everything she does, says, and is. She makes me feel things I didn't know were possible to feel. I know I've been going on about things like this for weeks now, but I can't help myself, that's how wonderful this wonderful she is. I love her.

Only three days and change until the weekend's mini-break. I'm so looking forward to this, it's going to be so relaxing. Though before Friday afternoon gets here, I have a lot of packing and getting things together to do.

Someone please save me from this working day. Use any means necessary -- fire drill, teleportation device, faked blimp attack. Anything. Just help.

then / now