in the city

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4-14-03 // 9.54 am

mine's a kronenbourg, mate

NP: The Streets - "Original Pirate Material"

Saw a convertible Humvee on Delmar Friday afternoon. I'm not sure why that bothers me so much, but it does.

Things to do/consider:
# get a haircut this Thursday or Friday after work
# make a late night trip to Steak n Shake at some point
# track down "Mr. Jealousy", Noah Baumbach's other movie. (well, he also did "Highball", but that looks fairly dodgy)
# take car for an oil change
# have a pint at Llywelyn's
# eat less junk and fewer late night snacks; also eat more fruits & vegetables
# make a mix CD and/or iPod playlist for Erin
# cook or go out for a curry in the near future
# sign up for a gold membership to say thanks for all the unpaid database optimzation Andrew's had to do for the d-land
# finally get off my ass and send penguin related paraphernalia to Tony
# reread "About A Boy"

Had a fantastic weekend. Cut out of work a bit early on Friday afternoon, swung by the Pageant to get Dar Williams tickets for Erin, went home, then went out for fish fry fish. Spent Saturday afternoon with Erin's family, helping them assemble a huge trampoline (a birthday present her cousin received), then spent the evening with Ryan S and his girfriend. Met up at Union Station, touristy I know, but it was a centralized meeting point, what with Ryan having to work and coming in from Belleville, his girlfriend coming in from out at UMSL, and us coming from southwest city. So we just all took the metro from our various locations. In any case, it was a lot of fun, we just ate at the food court, browsed the Beatles shop, and people watched. We all ended up back at our place, watching "Cube" (not a hit with Erin), SNL, and Iron Chef & drinking a few beers. Turned into a late night and it was a fantastic time. Sunday was Erin's cousin's birthday party/cookout at the park. Enjoyed that quite a bit, as well -- the weather was perfect and the food was good. Hung out with Erin's friends for a bit and then spent the rest of the evening chillin' at home.

Today my afternoon will be filled with meetings, so I'm enjoying the fact that this morning is mostly being uneventful and quiet. I dunno, my instinct is to crawl in to work at like 9 o'clock or 9.30 on a Monday morning like most of the other people in this lab do, but I'd rather just get in early so I can get out early.

This is that time of year where being inside feels like prison. If you're in school, you don't want to write papers or go to class. If you're working, you don't want to sit in a windowless office breathing recycled air. You want to be outside in the sun and the wind, doing the sorts of things that spring was made for. This makes me think of the fact that I've been really good with my vacation time so far this year, I've only used like two days in nearly five months. Not sure what I'll do with the rest of the time. Maybe I'll take an entire week in mid-summer or early fall, and just chill, hang out with Erin and take a few small trips. But who knows? I'm sure I'll sort it all out eventually.

I seem to have become the designated engineer for this one tester to come to with questions. In any case, he's already been by my desk twice this morning. So I should stop slacking and research what he needs to know. Later gators.

then / now