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4-17-02 // 9.42 am

sweetness follows

Another day, I'm back at work. I'm tired. Exhausted, really. Tonight is going to be a staying in, recharging type evening. Headphones and albums, reading magazines and laying around in boxer shorts. I don't think I could physically drag myself out tonight, anyway. Well, I could but it wouldn't be advisable. In any case, I want to be fresh for the rest of this week and the weekend. Things are planned, and nobody wants to have to deal with the cranky, not-so-fun sleep deprived me.

Last night was one of those warm, lazy summer evenings. It was perfect just laying around with Erin, skimming magazines, driving around with the windows down, talking and drinking coffee. She fell asleep on the couch downstairs while we were watching the baseball game. She's so beautiful when she sleeps, so peaceful. She's always beautiful, but you know what I mean. I didn't want her to go last night. I suppose that's sort of selfish, but being with her is where I want to be.

I owe her a secret. I feel bad that I haven't been able to think of one, and I've been trying for ages. That's usually what I do when I fall asleep, I run through the years of my life like watching a videotape while holding down the fast forward button. But I can't come up with anything. There's plenty of embarassing stories, she's heard those. But the secrets? I don't know where they are. I can't tell if that's because I tend to tell people things, or if I've just led an exceedingly boring life.

Things are good, even though I'm wiped out. Now it's back to work.

then / now