in the city

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4-16-02 // 1.44 pm

I've been up all night, I might sleep all day

I'm extremely tired this afternoon. Midafternoon + lunch in my stomach + not very much sleep last night = fatigue. As a result, I think I've been a bit hazy today, a bit incoherent, just in general.

Hinge wants me to head down to Cape on the 29th for this one act play he's in. Not sure if work will allow me to make it or not, but it could be cool.

I love Erin. I was being a bit of a pill for a while last night, I think due to hunger. I'm not exactly sure what was going on. But I think I whipped myself into shape after a while. I hate when I get like that, she doesn't deserve to have to deal with the sulky, whiny part of me.

They cancelled the Matthew Sweet tour. Every last show. Just after I'd bought tickets, too. Erin was heartbroken...I know how badly she wants to see him. I know it won't be the same, but I want to do something for her that weekend that will be even better than that show would've been.

Last night was amazing, lying on a trampoline with her, underneath a blanket, looking up at the sky and talking. I would've given anything to have been able to sleep out there -- under the sky, feeling the wind on my skin, with our arms around each other.

A little less than three hours to go at work for today. I can't wait to get out of here. Tonight is going to be really relaxing, really great. I can't wait for it to get here. I can't wait to be with her.

then / now