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5-14-03 // 1.10 pm

a sleepy kisser, a pretty war

NP: iPod on random.

(Counting Crows - A Murder Of One)

I think this song meant more to me a couple of years ago, but it's still an amazing amount of emotion to pack into five minutes. The "I will walk along these hillsides" and "change, change, change" bits at the end are masterful.

Lest you think all I've been listening to lately has been the stuff on the iPod, I've also had my ears around Manitoba's "Up In Flames" (weird but oddly satisfying mix of electronica, psychedelia and '60s pop), Alkaline Trio's "Good Mourning" (on loan from Erin -- it's not as good as "Goddamnit!", but it's far better than their last two albums), and the New Pornographers' "Electric Version" (slightly twee but ultra hook laden power pop).

(The Church - Destination)

My boss came back to the office today. I dunno, I just like the feeling this place takes on when he's out. Though I suppose it's not so bad, as he'll be leaving again this weekend and will be out all of next week.

I have my yearly performance asessment this Friday morning. I'm a little nervous (I always am going into those sorts of things), but it shouldn't be that big of a deal. There's a chance I'll get a small raise, but with the economy being what it is, I'm not expecting much, if anything at all.

(Wilco - She's A Jar)

I'm having a better week this time around. I'm still a bit tired, but that's just physical, it's not psychological, you know? I mean, I could've used a few more hours of sleep this morning, but my psyche doesn't feel exhausted, which is a good thing. I've resumed my walks, to the point where I've actually been able to take a quick 10 minute one at lunchtime and then a half hour or 45 minute one in the evening. It makes me feel much better overall, plus combined with me being a bit more sensible about my diet than in past weeks, I've lost a bit of weight, and I no longer feel quite so blobular.

(Schrodinger's Cat - Potter's Field)

For some reason, I keep thinking it's Thursday even though it's Wednesday. It's rather terrible that days aren't interchangeable, really. I mean, today really has a Thursday feeling, couldn't I swap it somewhere down the line with a day that felt like Wednesday?

(Howie Day - Secret)

A bit excited, as in the coming weeks I get to see Ryan H, Steve, Jared, and for the first time in probably a year and a half, Marc and Danielle. All but Jared will be at Marc & Danielle's housewarming at the end of the month, plus I'll be meeting Steve in Carbondale one Friday next month for Jared's bachelor party. Strip clubs aren't my cup of tea at all, but bars and diners are, not to mention movies and a much overdue game of frolf the next afternoon. So yeah, seeing friends is a good thing. Will get to see Ryan S for the first time in weeks tomorrow at the new Matrix movie.

(Portishead - Mysterons)

This late spring, not quite summer time of the year is perhaps the optimal one for me. It stays light till about 8 o'clock in the evening, the temperatures are warm but not uncomfortable, the nights are generally hopsitable towards sleeping, and once in a while it gets all stormy. I can't ask for much more, really. The hour right before and the hour right after the official sunset are prime time as far as I'm concerned. Magical.

(Pulp - Glory Days)

This song is slightly soured for me due to the fact that it sounds somewhwat like a knockoff/rewrite of the previous LP's Common People, but it's hard to dislike it very much, as for my money it's lyrically one of the sharpest things in the Pulp catalogue.

This day is just flying by, and I'm in a fantastic mood. And with that, it's time to leave this dimly lit lab in search of an afternoon snack.

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