in the city

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5-25-04 // 5.53 pm

combo platter #6

NP: nothing, just rain running out of gutters.

Today at work I received a "five year award". Five years of service to "the man", whatever that means. Well, not really, it's only like a little over three years if you add up the actual time spent working there, counting my three summers of interning and then 2.25 years of full employment. But I guess they just started counting from May 1999 and didn't stop, even when I left for a while. Anyway, apparently a catalogue will be coming in the mail, and I get to pick a 'gift' from it. According to my coworkers, the clock is nice. I should get the clock, they say. I will have to see.

There has been torrential rain this afternoon, not to mention marble sized hail. It took me over an hour to get home from work -- lots of roads, even interstates, flooded closed. I had to take a meandering route across the MLK Bridge, down Cole St. downtown, across Jefferson to 40 to Grand south to 44. It's a wonder I'm here at all.

I miss Erin. I mean, I'm having fun being on my own for the week, I need my solitude now and then. But still, it's not like I'm doing much out of the ordinary. I just do the stuff I'd do when she's here, except now she's not here. The curry wasn't as good last night by myself, and the bed feels oddly large, even though it's just a double. Although, that said, at least this week I can listen to IQ and Dream Theater albums without getting scrunched up nose looks and whatnot.

I'm picking my cousin up tomorrow morning and then heading off to Nashville for the Rush show. It still kind of sucks that he can't make the one right here in St. Louis in a few weeks, but oh well, and the road trip will be cool.

Now I must get ready, for my sister is coming by and I am taking her across the way for a Mexican dinner I've owed her since her birthday in January. After that, once she goes home I'm going to watch "High Fidelity", and then probably "Annie Hall". For some reason I'm in a movie mood this week, I watched "Office Space" last night for the first time in ages.

So yes, later gators.

then / now