in the city

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6-2-03 // 8.00 pm

"yeah wonder boy"

It's the second day of June and it's a rainy, cold day that feels like February. Seriously, all of the windows are closed and I'm sitting on the couch under a blanket with Erin. I could totally go for a cup of tea, but I'm out at the moment. Drag.

So yesterday afternoon I was driving around looking for a place to take some photos and/or take a walk. Frustratingly, there were far too many people out and about to find anywhere good, so I came home. Anyway, while I was out, my eye felt all scratchy, like I had something in it. For hours I kept rinsing it with water, trying to get out whatever it was in there. No luck, though, and by bedtime last night, my eye was all red, one part was itchy and one part sort of hurt. It still felt weird today, so I called the opthamologist, and after a huge insane runaround regarding my insurance, I got an appointment. After the routine eye exam (including cringe-inducing puff of air in the eye glaucoma test), the doctor examined me (which included him turning my upper eyelid inside out), he determined that I have conjunctivitis. So now I have two different prescription eyedrops that I have to take four times a day for five days. Hopefully it clears up. It'd better, especially since I ended up having to pay full price for the examination. Don't was basically wait till Thursday (at the earliest) and get a referral from my primary care physician and then my insurance would kick in or I could go today and pay out of my own pocket. I chose the latter, figured it'd be best that way. At least my prescriptions were covered by my prescription copay.

On the TV right now is "MVP: Most Valuable Primate". It's a Disney movie about a monkey that escapes from a zoo or university or something and wanders north to British Columbia, where it befriends a dorky hockey playing teenage boy and his deaf sister. We're not too far into the flick yet, but apparently the monkey learns to play hockey.

Come the start of July, I'll be getting a new manager at work. My current manager is in charge of a testing group and a development group, and apparently his boss is reorganizing things so he's only in charge of the testers. So I'll be getting a new manager in a month. Hopefully he's no worse than the current guy.

OK, time to end this entry. I meant this to be far sharper than it turned out, and I know there was more I mean to write. Hrm. Oh well, I'll take care of it tomorrow.

then / now