in the city

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6-4-03 // 9.25 am

won't let the shadows take their toll

(NP: Matt Good Band - The Rat Who Would Be King)

After going through the various levels of management required, I am now officially booked for a week of vacation the first week of August! I think it starts exactly two months from today, as a matter of fact. I realize that's not exactly right around the corner, but it gives me something to balance the rest of work out against. It's easier to put in loads of hours and attempt to figure out brain-frying problems when you know coming up there will be nine (five days of proper vacation plus four weekend days) days completely to yourself. So woo hoo! This rules.

(R.E.M. - Bang And Blame)

I have a banana and a cup of coffee for breakfast. It's weird, as I usually don't eat breakfast -- I tend not to get hungry till around lunchtime. But the past couple of days I've been starving as soon as I got up.

(Porcupine Tree - Collapse The Light Into Earth)

A month or so ago, my sister apparently broke up with her boyfriend of several years, and is now going out with someone new. Which is all fine and well, I want her to be happy, and this new guy sounds very nice. Though I'm sort of not sure how to proceed with her ex-boyfriend, as I kind of grew into a casual friendship with him. He's living in the city for the summer, and before I knew he wasn't dating my sister anymore, I told him we should get together for beers and movies sometime. Though now, I don't know what the proper social mores it OK to still hang out with the guy, or should I not, out of respect to my sister. My gut tells me choice B, though I honestly don't know. Hrm.

(Doves - Pounding)

Ryan S is coming over this evening, we'll probably get a pizza and just hang out, maybe watch some videos and/or play some cards. Tomorrow evening I'm meeting my dad for a baseball game. Busy social calendar, eh?

(Interpol - NYC)

I still have conjuncitivitis. "Pinkeye"...ewww. Wish I knew how in the hell I came down this this, anyway. It's like being in grade school again. Remember how that sort of thing would happen every so often? One kid would come down with it and either spread it to the rest of the class, or be quarantined at home for a week. But yeah, my eye feels much better today, though I can still tell it's slightly off. I'm crossing my fingers that I didn't manage to give it to Erin.

(Stereophonics - Not Up To You)

Heh, the uproar over on fotlog is hilarious. Basically, the three guys who run the site can't keep up with the escalating costs of operation, so they instituted "gold" and regular memberships. The regular ones are free and you get one photo upload and five comments on each photo free per day. If you pay ($5 a month, hardly a fortune) you get up to 6 photos a day with up to 100 comments per photo. So it's not like they've stopped the free aspect of the site, they've just made it more attractive to pay. And of course, there's a huge contingent of people who are somehow shocked and appalled that they're being asked to pay to support something they feel they should get for free. I dunno, I just think that's ridiculous, as it's damn expensive to run a website that gets as much bandwidth as fotolog. And come on, they supply photo hosting space for you. That should be enough for free as it is. But I guess not. I dunno, the whole thing just strikes me as extra whiny. Which all reminds me, I keep meaning to sign up for a diaryland gold membership. Not because I want banner ads or anything, but I think it's time Andrew gets a bit more help. The man does database optimization for free, in his spare time. A saint, I tell you.

(New Radicals - Crying Like A Church On Monday)

OK, time to end this for the time being. I've been doing some work in the background as I write, but now it's time to really dig in and get this taken care of.

then / now