in the city

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6-8-03 // 10.00 pm

"the millenium, I told you about that"

I've never gotten the hang of Sundays. Especially Sunday evenings. The sense of "coming down" from the weekend combines with the sense of dread of returning to work the next day.

It's very warm in the apartment right now, despite the fact that I have a newly purchased oscillating fan going in one corner of the living room. It's actually very nice and cool outside, but there's really no way to get that air moved into the apartment to replace the stale, warm air from the morning warm-up (hooray for big east facing windows).

I stood outside half an hour ago, admiring the clear sky, the moon, the stars, and the last remnants of sunlight. Evenings this time of year are magical. Seriously. The hours from between like 7 and 9 pm are brilliant. I love the way the light blues and orange-whites hang on the horizon like they've been painted on. It reminds me of summers past, as a 8 year old kid playing baseball and chasing lightning bugs at twilight. It reminds me of teenage evenings in my parents' village, taking walks and sitting on the back deck watching the sun set. It's not all looking back, though. I appreciate every night like this. Tonight I looked up at the sky and the surroundings in my neighborhood and I smiled, and my lips cracked a smile.

There was an interesting altercation in the courtyard parking area this afternoon. Our landlady and this guy with a souped-up old Suburban got into it for the third time in a month. The landlady doesn't want the guy parking his vehicle in this non-spot along one building, and he does it anyway. So she got a tow truck out here, put a boot on the tires, the whole nine yards. There was a huge shouting match, and then the police came. Eventually the whole thing ended without much fuss. No handcuffs, no towings, nothing. How disappointing.

Ugh, it's warm in here. Time to make my peace with the end of the weekend. Later gators.

then / now