in the city

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6-12-01 // 11.07 am

everybody's looking for somebody's arms to fall into

I'm rather out of it this morning. I really wish I was better at going to bed at a proper hour, but I'm not. I'm a natural night owl. So as a result, I'm pretty sure I'm being kept alive by the coffee that's replaced my blood. Wired & tired, that's me.

I wish I wasn't at work right now. I have most of the tracklisting set up for a great mix tape...I'd rather be at home working on that. But alas I'm stuck here, revising & testing SQL stored procedures. Oh well, it pays the bills.

The other day I won an online auction for a digital camera. It's nothing fancy at all, but it's nice enough & I got a good deal on it. So that means in a week or so you can look forward to me posting all sorts of random pictures of crap. Stay tuned.

then / now