in the city

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6-21-03 // 8.12 am

"smush parker"

NP: various Annie Lennox songs purchased from the iTunes music store. I wish I was kidding about this, but I'm not. I think it's the music buying equivalent of saying "I bought an Amstel Light from that off license on the corner manned by that really unnerving, fey man". Or something, I dunno.

It's very early on a Saturday morning and I'm awake. I got up at 7.15 (!) this morning and couldn't fall back asleep. To be fair, I did get seven and a half hours sleep, but come on! It's far too early to be awake on a Saturday morning, even for me.

Does celebratory dance I have tickets for Radiohead in August! It's especially sweet, considering I was thwarted in my attempts last time they toured a few summers ago. But yeah, Erin, Ryan H and myself are going. They're actually playing Riverport, which is cool. I mean, going to Riverport means driving all the way out to Bridgeton or Earth City or wherever the hell, not to mention dealing with soul-destroying in-ampitheater complex traffic, but at least we have lawn seats. Lawn seating for a summer evening concert is brilliant, the best way to go.

Today Erin will be reading the new Harry Potter book, and eventually I will venture forth to Vintage Vinyl, and perhaps various other environs to take some pictures.

This entry has been disjointed, I know, but cut me some slack, it's early.

Speaking of which, my coffee should be ready. I hope you enjoy your Saturday as much as I'm going to enjoy mine.

then / now