in the city

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6-27-03 // 8.48 am

buy the sky and sell the sky

NP: R.E.M. - "Life's Rich Pageant"

My jackoff coworkers need to shut the fuck up right this bloody second. I'm beginning to resent the fact that it feels like I'm being worked like a dog and everyone else has the luxury of taking two hour lunches and to be loud and obnoxious every morning. My manager has taken today off, he's not even here! So yes, for at least a month now I have rather consistently been the last or one of the last two people in the office to leave. And I'll likely be working tomorrow, which means goodbye Saturday. I dunno, I'd be less irate about this if the rewards were more tangible. Yes, I make a good living, and I know I'm salaried so that's how it goes, but to constantly work unpaid overtime starts to suck the motivation out of you. There needs to be an attractive reward, say a day off, comp time, faster accrual of vacation time, a small extra lump sum of overtme pay, anything! It doesn't have to be anything huge, just something that actually means something to me, not an email from the project manager saying "good work, guys, keep at it" or some stupid promotional pen. Fuck their office supplies.

And with that rant out of the way, it's back to work. Lucky me.

then / now