in the city

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6-26-03 // 6.08 pm

free the expo '67

(NP: Queen - The Show Must Go On)

About six o'clock and I'm still at work. I'm getting used to these 10+ hour days, though. Which is sad, really. Yesterday I was this close to leaving on time before we got word that our database reinstall was done. So that meant nearly three hours of overtime and doing stuff... Woo. I'm sure I'll be here another hour or so, as well. Oh, and there was some useless hour long meeting this afternoon, which basically ate up an hour of productivity. Blah. The rest of my office (save myself and my tech lead) are at the restaurant across the street right now, having a happy hour paid for by one of the senior type guys in the office. Not that I'm sure drinking with my coworkers is the most interesting/wise idea in the first place, but still. They're having fun and I'm not. Yes, I'm whiny, but I think I'm entitled to it at this point.

(They Might Be Giants - Purple Toupee)

Erin is working a 1-9 shift at the moment, I suppose misery loves company. But I'm going to meet her at her work when she gets off, and we're going to get something to eat. I'm quite looking forward to seeing her and relaxing.

(Son Volt - Drown)

Ah, at least all of the issues of today seem to have been resolved. I should be getting out of here before too long. Knock on wood, eh?

Oh, and I really don't mean to talk about work all of the time. Honestly. It's just that it eats up so much of my time, and therefore it skews my vantage point.

OK, time to end this so I can finish up and get the hell out of Dodge.

then / now