in the city

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7-1-01 // 12.46 pm

say goodbye to the valleys, say goodbye to the rain

NP: Roger Waters, Milwaukee 11-13-87

Slept in this morning. Finally. I tried to get some sleep yesterday morning, but my father woke me up early once again. Just because he has some sort of aversion to rest & relaxation shouldn't mean that I also have to suffer.

Great IM conversation with melissa mee:

Meezer327: stupid boys
mrengel80: stupid girls.
why is everyone so stupid?

Meezer327: I dont know, its like the stupid convention's been in town all year
mrengel80: I think the Stupid Convention's organizing committee has their headquarters in my town.

Robyn's coming over in a few minutes and we're going to get some lunch. Where I do not yet know, as neither of us can ever decide what we want to have. But we'll figure it out, we always do.

Paul Simon / Brian Wilson show tonight, report to follow at some point.

Oh, and here are some new digicam pics. The first one is me on the street, facing the glare of the sun. The second one is my wonderful doggie.

then / now