in the city

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7-6-03 // 12.41 pm

a pirate station or the late night show

NP: ABC - "The Lexicon Of Love"

I'm currently in the middle of doing a mountain of laundry. How manly. But it must be done, as the supply of wearably clean clothes has been exhausted. Yeah, I'm probably the least masculine man ever. Well, that's not even close to being true, I mean I wouldn't say I'm effeminate, but I do tend to scoff at a lot of traditionally male personality traits. Or perhaps I exhibit them but just don't realize it. Hrm. Though at the end of the day, I think I come out alright due to the triad of "I'm hairy, I drink beer, and I like sports".

Cats are very curious creatures, which I respect, but at the same time I wish they could at least be less curious to the point of not constantly walking right underneath my feet as I'm walking around the apartment. But oh well, it's OK, as I'm a pretty curious creature myself.

Disclaimer: gross talk ahead. So yesterday I bought some q-tips (for another purpose altogether), and since I had them around, I decided to clean my ears for the first time in a while. So I take the q-tip, clean the left ear, no problem. Repeat for the right ear, but uh-oh, trouble. I managed to clean a lot of gunk out, but at the same time, I think I may have pushed some wax further down. I know there's a warning on the box of q-tips saying "don't put this in your ear, moron". But I'd always done so regardless, and it'd never hurt me. But this time, it appears that I am indeed the moron. Time to head to Walgreens and get one of those wax blockage dissolving kits. (yes, such a thing exists, though I was unaware of its existence until yesterday)

It's still bloody hot outside. Sadly, we seem to be locked into that July/August midwestern weather pattern, where it's basically unending heat, humidity and glare for about two months straight. Ugh. I've always hated this sort of weather. I'm not adverse to warmth, but this is extreme. It makes me sluggish, light headed, lazy, and antisocial. I just want to sit around in the AC until nightfall, and even when I am inside, I just kind of vegetate. Trust me, though, if by some miracle we get a spot thunderstorm (or even, gasp, a fully cloudy day), I'll be down on my knees in thanks.

Alright, time to refill my cup with soda and get folding laundry. Yee hah.

then / now