in the city

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7-7-04 // 9.26 pm

the warm front

I went for a walk a few hours ago and came across four dead pigeons. What the hell? Should I be worried about a bird flu or plague or something?

I also tried to buy random things at the dollar store while I was out on foot. Bottled water, batteries, popsicles, chicken salad kits. Sounds like I was stocking my fallout shelter or something. So I tried to pay with my debit card and the girl behind the counter refused since I didn't have any other identification. So I had to leave, go back home, get my wallet and drive back. Come on, if I was using a stolen credit card, I certainly wouldn't be using it to buy 5 bucks worth of stuff from the dinky dollar store, I'd be buying stadiums -- and quarries.

The power went out Monday evening due to massive storms that rolled through around dusk. The power didn't come back on till Tuesday night. Which doesn't sound too bad, but the apartment was disgustingly hot and still. I also now have a big gash above my right eye from where I ran right into the bathroom doorway trying to find my way around in the dark. Hooray.

The insurance company wrote an estimate for the repairs on my car and authorized the work, so the body shop is gearing up to do its thing. They probably won't have a loaner car for me till the end of this week, though, so I rented a car yesterday evening. It sucks, but at least I have a way to get to and from work.

I wonder what the qualifications are to be the "wacky on-location guy" on the TV morning news? I'm guessing a willingness to get up at 4 o'clock in the morning is a plus.

then / now