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7-9-04 // 10.36 am

phish feat. jay-z

I've been listening to a lot of Squeeze lately. The iPod has also been extra good at randomizing lately, which pleases me.

Dropped off the rental car last night and got money back since I didn't keep it till Friday. Went out with Steve for dinner afterwards, ate Mongolian BBQ and some regular Chinese. Good to meet up with Steve, looks like a job prospect is finally panning out for him. Did some shopping with Erin afterwards, I bought a few albums -- the new Streets (finally) and RJD2's first one. Add that to the new Wilco which I finally listened to last weekend but really need to spend more time with.

Went to the auto body shop this morning to pick up the rental car. It's a modest vehicle, to say the least. A tiny white Daewoo hatchback with scratched up windows (vandalized, the clerk told me) and a non-functional radio/tape deck. So, while it blows having to drive to and from work in silence, it beats paying for even more rental days.

And hallelujah, the Mike vs. Illinois Department of Revenue saga is over! I never heard back from the guy who promised to call me once I faxed in yet another copy of the W-2 last Friday. So Tuesday I spent an hour in the sweaty, electricity-less apartment on hold with some guy in Springfield and battling with the taxman until they dug around and found the copy I sent them. They assured me it would be processed by the end of the week. I called in this morning, fingers crossed and found out that not only was the W-2 processed, my balance due was back to zero like it should've been all along! So I called the collections department in Chicago to get the bogus garnishment removed. A surly old woman answered who kept claiming she couldn't hear me, and even when she could help me, she wasn't listening to me. She probably should've turned off the radio I could hear blasting in the background. I excused myself and hung up, called back a little while later. Talked to a normal guy who hooked me up, he said they confirmed the zero balance and would start today removing the levy/garnishment. So next week's paycheck should be back to normal, plus I'll get refunds for the garnished amount from this and last week's check. Hot damn, it's about time!

It's almost the weekend. I haven't worked that much this week, but with all of the additional adventures I'm more than ready for it.

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