in the city

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7-18-02 // 9.16 am

when it happens you'll feel like an islander

NP: Idlewild - "100 Broken Windows"

Erg, I'm tired. It's been a long week. Erin's car had a flat over the weekend, there were issues getting it changed...then the car died. Well, it was starting to die. It was definitely getting scary, much like my old car was before it puttered out. Well, I think Erin's was much worse than mine, but yeah. Plus, the city decided they wanted to tow her car away since it didn't have Missouri plates, and her car probably wouldn't have even passed the safety inspection needed to get said plates. So this week has been a rush to find a newer car that she could afford. Finally found a dealer with a Neon that Erin liked and managed to work the finances out.

I just got a haircut like two weeks ago, and I already think I'm getting slightly shaggy. I guess the guy who cut my hair didn't trim as much as I wanted him to. Though I suppose this is better than the terrible haircut I got in March, where the barber cut everything extremely short.

The cats are still fighting, at least some of the time. Corona has a vet appointment on Friday, hopefully we can find out how soon she can be declawed. That's the source of a lot of the kitty warfare issues, I think. Meowie's nose is getting scratched up from the clawing...they both fight, but since Corona still has front claws, she's not in a position to learn that she is, in fact, the "junior" cat. Once she can't fight back on equal terms, I'm pretty sure the Meowie-Corona dynamic will settle in to where it's supposed to be.

Like I said, this week has been long. And stressful. I'm pretty sure that for most of this week I've been wishing that the weekend was just around the corner. I wish it was tomorrow today. To be honest, though, it's not really fair. For as stressed that I've been, Erin's had even more. I don't have any right to complain. Anyway, last night went a long way towards chilling me out. It was just one of those evenings staying in, hanging out. We sat around and talked, we cooked dinner together, had a drink or two. Made chicken and this hash brown casserole thing from a recipe one of Erin's coworkers gave her. Both turned out very tasty. Cooking together is one of my favorite apartment-y things. It's fun, and really, we're rather good at it. We pulled the blinds of our big picture window up a little bit, and the cats decided to lounge around on the sill. Later on, sat on the couch and watched Erin draw. She has talent...she's extremely creative. In everything she does, truthfully. She's artistic, and eloquent, and stylish. She's beautiful and sexy, she has eyes I could stare into for days and a smile that makes me melt. She's the most interesting, intelligent, fascinating, wonderful person I've ever met. And she's in my life. That's the part that makes me smile. She makes me smile. I've never been the smiling type. Well, not the "smiling a lot for no reason" type. My family would always get on my case about that, asking me why I wasn't more cheerful. My response was always that I smile when I have things to smile about. And I did smile...but my default expression was often blank. These days...these glorious, impossibly bright days...I smile so often. I mean, it's not like I walk around my job with a dumb grin on, but I genuinely smile a lot. I think of things that make me smile. I think of Erin. I dunno, I'm filled with joy.

I wish I was with her right now instead of being stuck at work.

Except for a cup with breakfast over the weekend, I haven't drank any coffee for weeks. However, right now, I'm strongly considering going to get one.

Forgive me this random, poorly written entry. It's always like this for me if I don't write for a few days...the "comeback" entry is always a bit disjointed. But don't worry, I'll be back in the swing of things in no time.

then / now