in the city

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7-28-01 // 8.08 pm

road to your soul

NP: All About Eve - "Scarlet and Other Stories"

It's my town's homecoming (?) weekend, so there's the usual picnic (more like a fair, really -- there's food, games, music, etc) sort of thing on the Turner Hall grounds. There was also a parade -- and I was in it. Ryan's family owns the local lumberyard/hardware shop, so we rode along on the back of this gigantic truck sort of thing. It was fun, if not hot. Though it clouded up a bit after a while, which was welcome relief. I think there's a second parade tomorrow (for the benefit of those who had to miss today's?) so I'm gonna go along for that, too.

Ryan wanted me to go out to dinner with him, his girlfriend, and a few or her friends, but I decided to pass. Mostly 'cause she and her friends really get on my nerves. They're loud and grating in that immature high school sort of way (not that I think all high schoolers are immature). Maybe I'm just a curmudgeon, but after a while they annoy me to no end.

I'm glad to be sitting around the house this evening. There is beer to be drunk, Italian food to be eaten, albums to be listened to, books & magazines to be read, and relaxing to be done.

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