in the city

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8-4-02 // 3.43 pm

chase the moon between the buildings

NP: Marillion - "This Strange Engine"

Steve Hogarth's father died very recently. Granted I didn't know the man. I don't even know his son, except through his words, and through friends who do know him personally. So it's like two degrees of separation, only it doesn't even count. Though still, through Steve's lyrics, I feel a connection, and I feel sad for him. A little while ago, I dug out Marillion's "This Strange Engine" album, and listened to the title track. It's basically one long piece of prose about Steve's life, about him, growing up, his father, and the concept of love. It's always been intensely moving, and now, even more so.

I don't ask much of people, but if you could, go here and read the lyrics, it'd mean a lot to me. Maybe this all sounds extremely pretentious, but...

And before I go... In my (fairly brief) life I've never been more certain of anything as I am of the fact that I want to spend the rest of my life with Erin. I hope she knows the sincerity with which I say that. Rings, engagement, marriage, the Jack Russell terrier, the house in the suburbs. I want all of that, I want all of that with her.

I sing in the shower. It's a bit ridiculous.

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