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8-4-03 // 2.24 pm

"tomato and fresh mozzerella"

It's a very good day when Vintage Vinyl gives you 35 bucks for a bunch of random CDs you don't listen to anymore. It's an even better day when you're able to buy several of the CDs you've been after, plus a few for your girlfriend, at nearly no tangible cost to your wallet. For the record, I picked up:

# Kenna "New Sacred Cow" (I've had a bootleg of this for nearly two years and love it to death, but it's just been properly released after ages of sitting in the vaults, so I figured I should pay my financial respects to the Kenna man.)

# The Clientele "The Violet Hour" (I've read good reviews of this, it sounds like it might be a more indie guitar centric sounding Blue Nile sort of thing. Or not. Either way, it's worth a shot.)

# Postal Service "Give Up" (we've had a friend's copy of this for ages and Erin loves it like a child, so I grabbed her a proper copy.)

# Postal Service "The District Sleeps Alone Tonight" EP (because it has remixes and Erin loves remixes. And the Postal Service.)

By the way, Erin has made her triumphant return to d-land after a lengthy hiatus. So go check her out and pump that hit counter.

So right now I'm sitting in the Bread Co. in the Loop, the one next to the record shop, finishing up a lunch of bagel and coffee and finally catching up with some email. I'm honestly not trying to be some pretentious "guy in cafe with laptop", but our cable (and therefore cable modem) is out today and I needed to eat, so hey...

Tomorrow I'm heading down to Cape to see Ryan H and check out my sister's apartment (finally). Quite looking forward to the little day trip, it's always nice to get out on the road for a bit. Plus, while I could never live in Cape again, I rather like getting back down there once in a while, just to check in with the place. It's like an old friend you see once every year or two and sit down with and say "how's you, is life OK?".

The music in here is agonizingly terrible. It's this trumpety smooth jazz sort of nonsense.

My time off work has been going splendidly so far. I ususally sleep till about 9 or so in the morning, then mess about for a few minutes before heading out for a long walk. The rest of the day I then do whatever I damn well please, which is a very empowering and smile-inducing thing. I also try to tidy the apartment up a bit while Erin's at work, so we can spend time together when she comes home.

Alright, I am now properly caffeinated, so I should be off. Not that I have to, mind you...

then / now