in the city

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8-7-03 // 11.46 am

"she's gotta get over hating you, that could take a few minutes"

I woke up this morning to the contents of a bag of loose catnip strewn across the kitchen floor. Wonderful.

Bored, bored, bored. I'm bored. Which is really pathetic considering that I'm on vacation. I considered going to the Bread Co. again, but I've already done my email and whatnot this morning, plus I'm kind of bageled out. Erin's off today but she stayed up till like 5 o'clock this morning, which means she'll probably sleep till late afternoon, so I can't do anything with her. So I walked up to the grocery store and got a big deli salad and a two liter of soda, and now I'm sitting here watching what I think is a "Sliders" mini-marathon. And it's not even good "Sliders", either, it's episodes from those mid-period seasons from before the show became totally unwatchable but after they killed off the Professor and Wade, and now they've got that Maggie chick and that freak who's supposed to be Quinn's brother or something. Plus there's all the Kromagg nonsense.

But yeah, I'll probably spend the rest of the afternoon watching that, hiding out from the summer heat. Though Steve is passing through St. Louis this evening, so we're going to meet up for dinner and drinks at Fitz's, which is cool.

I actually don't have anything else to say. Time for lunch, then.

then / now