in the city

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8-10-01 // 10.00 am

don't be a signal

Wilco are playing at the Pageant on October 6th. Anyone from St. Louis fancy going with me? I'll buy you a beer!

Last day of work for the summer. They're apparently having a going away luncheon for me at noontime. I've never been a big fan of these luncheons...they always remind me of that episode of "Seinfeld" where Elaine keeps getting annoyed by the constant cake parties at her office. But it's OK, I'll go to the luncheon...not like any work's going to get done today, anyway.

Note to my coworkers: flush the damn toilet after you use it. This is like the third day in a row I've encountered gross, unflushed toilet bowls. I've yet to determine if this is a bunch of people doing the same thing, or merely the work of one serial pooper. Either way, flush!

My favorite piece of graffiti seen in the Chicago loop: "don't be a signal". It's just that short slogan, just haphazardly spray painted on a support pillar. I have no clue as to what it means, but it's still great.

The longer I live, the less I feel like I even have the smallest clue as to what's going on. Which can be incredibly scary, but also interesting. Sometimes it's nice to not know where you're going...there's something to be said for the thrill of exploration.

then / now