in the city

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8-16-01 // 11.36 am

justified & ancient

NP: KLF - "The White Room"

So I moved back to the apartment yesterday. I just have to say, it's great to be back. It's so nice once again to be able to wake up and look out the window to my view of the park & the river.

Jon stopped by last night so we all decided to go out. We were gonna go to comedy night at one of the clubs a few blocks away, but so much time was wasted trying to gather everyone up, we decided not to go. So instead we sat around and watched that Beastie Boys videos DVD & did drugs. Well, just beer for me, but others were enjoying the pot and also the prescription cough syrup(?!). Observation of the evening: the "Nuggets" garage rock compilation seems really cool to people strung out on Robitussin.

In a little while here I have to go be productive. I have an 1.15 appointment with a lady at job services, I need to find me a new part-time job for this semester. Hopefully it ends up being a little better than the last one job services found for me (senior citizens center janitor). While I'm on campus I'll probably pop in and rent my texbooks. Gotta go buy groceries at some point, too.

There's also the matter of catching up on email...I have tons of stuff that's built up over the last week or so. I've just been so busy, what with work ending, trying to see friends before I left, and packing/moving. But yeah...for people reading this to whom I owe emails, you have not been forgotten.

Time for a shower. Providing I can first scrub away the horrible black scum that seems to have taken over the tub in my absence. I think it may be a conscious entity. Either way, send your thoughts and prayers that I'm able to defeat it.

then / now