in the city

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8-19-03 // 10.24 am

I always dreamed of big crowds, plumes of smoke and high clouds

NP: Mercury Rev - "All Is Dream"

Yesterday, a couple of hours before I left work, a coworker came by offering free tickets to that night's Rams game. So I snapped them up, and after calling Erin to see if she could get out of work a bit early, we were all set.

Took the metro downtown and walked the couple of blocks to the dome. It's been years since I've been to a Rams game in the flesh -- I'd forgotten just how massive the stadium really is. You could probably fit a small town inside of it, no problem at all. The seats I'd acquired were pretty bad (about 11 rows from the very top of the upper deck), and the climb to our section was nearly enough to induce vertigo. I could've used a Sherpa to carry the beer and plate of nachos that were in my hands. Once we settled down, however, the view was actually pretty good. Not nearly as bad as I'd remembered the straospheric upper deck as being. So yeah, we cheered the Rams on against love-to-hate-em rival Tampa Bay. Erin (who looked extra beautiful all night, I just have to say) yelled loudest as she's a massive fan but this was actually her first time at a game in person. Didn't matter that it was just a preseason game, either, as there was tons of energy in the crowd. Rams ended up winning fairly convincingly, which was nice for a change. Hopped the metro home on an absolutely packed train -- we were crammed into this little alcove up by the conductor. It was kind of cool actually, being at the head of a train gives a completely different experience than riding at the middle or back. But yeah, we came home worn out and fell asleep. It was a great night out, complete with lots of laughing and talking, and I was happy everything worked out with our respective jobs that we were able to go.

As for work, this is day two of two featuring yours truly as substitute tech lead. It's been utter madness (yesterday nearly drove me batty), but I think I'm getting the hang of it. I certainly haven't screwed anything up yet, and people are complimenting me/thanking me for the job I've done, so I suppose I should just roll with it. Still, that doesn't mean I'm not eager as hell to move over to my new project tomorrow and say goodbye (knock on wood) to the old project forever.

I dunno, I feel tired and sort of worn out this morning, plus my stomach isn't doing so hot. But I'm sure it'll pass. Regardless, I feel really excellent today. I can't explain it, really, but here's to hoping the sensation sticks around for a long, long time.

then / now