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8-24-03 // 2.39 pm

bird on bat

NP: My Bloody Valentine - "Loveless"

Sitting around on an early Sunday aftenoon, watching the Cardinals with the sound off, and drinking soda and listening to Kevin Shields' masterwork. Tonight's the Radiohead show, and Ryan H is supposed to call me any time now to say that he's on his way over from his sister's place in Columbia (that's IL, not MO).

I don't know why, but today I've been massively jonesing for a big meal at one of the dive Thai restaurants on Delmar or the hole-in-the-wall Vietnamese places on south Grand.

So yeah, it's official, I got my smaller-than-expected bonus and I'm not taking a trip anywhere next month. Which is rather disappointing, I must say, as it would be good fun to get on a plane and go somewhere to see someone. Though at the same time, a smaller bonus is better than no bonus at all. The fruits of my labor, then are thus: I'm taking Erin to the Cirque du Soleil next month, as well as a mini-spree through Borders (fools, didn't they know I'd call their bluff and use the hell out of that 20% off total purchase voucher?) a couple of days ago. There was even enough left over to get my car a much overdue oil change. My car is happy again, which in turn makes me happy in that I once again get proper gas mileage.

Ugh, how boring am I? Though at the same time, I long ago accepted who I am. I'm OK with the fact. I've never been certain if other people are, however, but I suppose the people who are, are also the ones who have stuck around all these years.

There's an ad on TV right now for Viagra, which in addition to being a sponsor of major league baseball (!), is also now hawked by aging slugger Rafael Palmiero. They must be paying him a truckload of money for him to agree to star in an ad that basically screams "hey, I'm Rafael Palmiero, and I have erectile dysfunction!", regardless of whether he actually does or not. Though perhaps I'm just weird, I'm fascinated by advertising. I used to look forward to each new Your Ad Here with bated breath. I'm sure it actually does on some subliminal level, but I don't feel affected by it. But I love analyzing it and being baffled by it. My current favorite is probably the Hardee's one where the woman employee basically admits to being incompetent and unable to keep straight a menu featuring more than "thick burgers". I'll tell you who's thick..

Seems like I have nothing left to say at the moment, so I'm out.

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