in the city

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8-26-03 // 10.06 am

honey you could keep me from going under

NP: Bruce Hornsby - "Scenes From The Southside"

On my way to work this morning, I missed my exit off the interstate and to the office. The same damn exit I take every single day. I must have spaced out or something -- you know how it goes when you're on a long stretch of boring road you've driven a million times, your brain just goes on autopilot sometimes. In any case, I had to drive four miles down the road to the next exit, do a U-turn, and head four miles back to the proper exit. I am dumb.

I've been having an extraordinarily difficult time getting motivated so far this week. Not sure why, perhaps it's due to the fact that my brain knows there's a three day weekend looming on the horizon, and it refuses to kick into high gear only to have to downshift in a few days.

Yesterday I nearly did something very irresponsible. I was this close to deciding to spend money I shouldn't not be paying bills with on a new digital camera when my next paycheck arrives. But of course, it wasn't long before that pesky voice of reason reared its ugly head and talked me down. Thanks dad, thanks for that voice. (why isn't there an html tag or at least some accepted style marker for sarcasm?) Anyway, I'm sure I'll get that (or another) camera eventually, but still.

It's been so hot and parched out lately, I'm pretty sure it's been weeks since we've seen a drop of rain. I realize that this is late August, this is St. Louis and that we were lucky in that the first part of the summer was somewhat cooler than usual. But still. Anything that was green is now well on its way to becoming brittle and brown, and the sky, even in the early morning, is filled with a mixture of hazy humidity and pollution. I dunno, I like summer, I like it in theory and also in practice. I like long hours of sunlight, warm twilight evenings, wearing shorts and sandals, barbecues, baseball and festivals. But I hate the suffocating heat and humidity, the general sense of oppression that sinks in as the season turns into its home stretch, the sense that everything will soon be aflame.

Hrm. I'm in a good mood today, that's not the problem. It's just the sort of day where I can't seem to get focused. It's the sort of day that if I had my way, I'd walk right out the door here at work, grab a paper and a coffee, and park myself down in a cafe or on a shady park bench. Sadly, I don't get to have my way this day. But it's alright, things have a way of working out in the long run.

then / now