in the city

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8-27-03 // 10.15 am

washed up like a vacation

NP: Semisonic - "All About Chemistry"

This morning I keep getting this vague sensation that somehow, in some way, shit is about to go down. I'm certain it's all in my mind, that I just got up on the wrong side of the bed, but regardless, it's made my day so far feel a bit ominous.

Bumper sticker seen on an SUV driven by an elderly man wearing a powder blue polyester suit: "Boycott China".

I must be doing rain dances in my sleep, as this morning I awoke to cloudy skies, a few bolts of lightning, and a few brief showers. Class.

I think tonight it'll be time to finally crack down and take care of some housework that needs doing. Do a load of laundry, change the water in fishbowls, vacuum, take out the trash. The sad thing is that I don't really mind. Perhaps I should just get it all over with pull a Nicky Wire and get a shirt that reads "I *heart* hoovering".

I've hit upon an idea. I've had two recurring urges recently -- riding trains and exploring new places. Erin's going to be out of town for a weekend in mid-September. I think that on the Saturday of that weekend, I'm going to hop Amtrak from St. Louis to Jefferson City, explore the city for five or six hours, then take the train home in the early evening. It'd be a fun mini-adventure. Not that the destination is exciting in any way, shape or form, but it's the state capital, the round trip ticket is only 30 bucks, and it's somewhere I've never actually been to before. So I figure I'd mess around the city, take some pictures, etc. Or maybe not, I haven't decided if I'm actually going to do this or not. But it's an option.

I've been very productive this morning, which is good, though I still just do not want to be here today. It's just one of those days. Maybe I'll slip out for a while at lunch, or escape early. Either way, I now have to put my nose back to the grindstone.

then / now