in the city

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8-29-03 // 10.13 am

planning the greatest of escapes

NP: Turin Brakes - "The Optimist LP"

This is already shaping up to be one of those days where absolutely nothing gets done. It's Friday, I don't have a deadline breathing down my neck for once, my manager is out of the office, and the whole building has a casual, "last day of school" sort of feeling floating about.

I had a ton of fun last night with Erin. We didn't do anything terribly out of the ordinary, really -- I cooked chicken curries (tikka masala for her, madras for me) and we just hung out. I dunno, the mood was very light and I felt very content.

Labor Day weekend coming up. Apparently it's the "official end of summer". What gets me is that it feels as if summer just began. In my memory, the entire season seems like one massive blur. I don't know if it was that I was working so much or what, but it honestly feels as if it was just May. Hrm.

A group of my coworkers are sitting in the doorways of their cubes talking about online role-playing games. I've turned the volume on my headphones way up.

Can't wait to get out of here for the day, can't wait for this weekend to begin. I don't have much else to say at this point in time, but you know, I'm just fine with that for now.

then / now