in the city

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8-31-03 // 11.17 pm

"that's doug davis, and he had a really great day"

This morning, Erin and I discovered that overnight, someone had dumped loads of eggs and what appeared to be raw, spoilt steaks all over her car. Yeah. It was the raunchiest shit ever, the stench was unbearable. And that's coming from a man with a sense of smell that's next to nil. So yeah, she called the police but didn't file a report, as what's the point really, since where was no actual damage done to the car. In all likelihood, the vandalism was the work of stupid, bored kids. Yeah, listen to me, the cranky elderly man. "Damn you kids! Get off of my lawn!" In any case, Erin took my car to work, and I had the unenviable task of taking the stinkmobile to the car wash to scrub it down. I felt really terrible about the whole thing, as Erin's already feeling bad enough, what with being made to work the entire holiday weekend. The ironic thing about the whole affair was, that had the eggs been unbroken and the meat not been rotten, you otherwise have the ingredients for a nice weekend breakfast. But alas, it was not to be.

Saturday night I hung out with Erin and her friends Andy and Liz. They're great, seriously. They're students at Wash U, and when they're in town nine or so months out of the year, we all often go out for a grease-laden, hungover Sunday morning (well, more like lunchtime) IHOP breakfast. Anyway, we all went out for Mexican last night, and then went back to Andy's apartment on the Loop for a mini-gathering and to watch the best movie I'd never seen. Speaking of elderly, I felt like old man river, what with being surrounded by loads of college underclassmen and talks of classes, professors, extracurriculars and whatnot. It was great fun, though, and was a nice nostalgia trip. But of course, as the wise Mr. Hogarth once said, "even if the old days were golden days, the past is a terrible place to live". Quite.

Hrm, it seems that Charles Bronson died today. I'll have to mention it to Ryan S, only to invoke the name of Mr. Mulkey, our high school geometry teacher, who basically looked exactly like Bronson. It was intimidating and hilarious all at the same time.

Purely at random, I dug out of my collection today a great book called "Revolution In The Head", which is basically a chronological, song-by-song account of the Beatles' career. It's almost too 'muso' oriented, but if you can get past that sort of pretentious music-major analysis, it's a treasure trove of information. I dunno, if I'm going to read a book about a band, there's really no point unless it's almost overfull with facts. So yeah, among doing other things this afternoon, I made time to sit around and listen to "Abbey Road" and read along in the book. Excellent.

I took some pictures yesterday, in case anyone is interested.

It would be remiss of me to not mention Newcastle's terrible showing this past week. Three home matches and not a point to show for it? For shame Magpies, for shame. Nonetheless, I continue my support. I am from St. Louis after all, and you've know how our sports teams are incapable of finishing anything they start.

Ah, it's time to wrap this up and head back to bed. Erin's been asleep for a few hours now, she's been so exhausted, what with the way they've been working her lately. In any case, soon I shall join her, snuggled up under the sheets, feeling her warm skin against mine and the rise and fall of her breathing. If I don't say it enough (and I probably don't), it's perfect and it's where I belong. She's where I belong. And with that, I'm out. Goodnight, friends.

then / now