in the city

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9-4-02 // 3.58 pm

don't want to be a monument

NP: Midnight Oil - "Diesel and Dust"

Quick entry time.

It's been a monster of a day. Well, it's been good in the sense that I've been kept busy and that I've actually been resolving the issues that keep popping up in every direction. But still, it's been extremely busy and tiring. Plus, it's a rather nice day outside for a change and I'm stuck in here, which is never good for one's 9-5 spirits.

Today Erin's been at her current job for six months, which means she's now eligible for a transfer within the company. It's the day she's been waiting for, basically, and I'm so happy for her, so proud of her for making it this long, considering her current job mostly just bores and infuriates her.

Tonight we're grabbing a burger, going to the bookstore, playing skee-ball, and going to the gym. I'm looking forward to it, I'm looking forward to getting the hell out of this office for the day.

It seems like I had more to say but now I can't think of it. Apologies for that and for such a mundane entry...perhaps I'll be back with more later.

then / now