in the city

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9-3-02 // 10.32 am

my ghost likes to travel

NP: Peter Gabriel - "Up"

Note to self (and to anyone else out there, for that matter): drinking late into the night when you have to go to work the next day = bad news. Do not repeat.

I'm so tired right now. Seriously tired, like the most tired I've been since before Erin and I moved in. I just want to get my work done, have the day progress in a timely manner, get the hell out of here, and come home and crash. Save for cooking dinner at some point, I doubt I move at all the entire evening.

I'm also ravenously hungry, suddenly. Guess it's a good thing I have a banana and a cup of coffee, then.

Among other weekend activities, Erin and I took her cousin to the carnival. It was fun, though I couldn't ride any of the rides, considering that at some point over the last six years or so (unbeknownst to me), I've apparently developed a tendency towards motion sickness. So yes, it was sitting on the side and holding prizes and tickets for me. Oh, and we won a goldfish at the "throw a tiny wiffle ball into a plastic vase" booth. He's a silver goldfish (cool, eh?) and we named him Bono. He looks absolutely massive next to Frankie, and it's funny to see the two of them swimming around in their respective bowls, catching sight of each other, and then proceeding to thrash around a bit.

Erin and I also celebrated our six month anniversary over the weekend. It was low key and brilliant. She surprised me by showing me a work in progress -- a homemade book about us. She nearly made me cry with's probably the most thoughtful thing anyone has ever done for me. And she's already done about a million especially thoughtful things for me.

I have a meeting in about half an hour, and I also have to run to the bank on my lunch hour.

Sorry if this entry seems stilted or wacked out or whatever, but my brain isn't firing on all cylinders at the moment. I'm sure you understand.

then / now