in the city

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9-14-03 // 11.12 pm

"sorry, I'm not familiar with that term"

I went to Shop n Save a little while ago with like $3.50 in loose change and purchased a bag of popcorn, a packet of instant mashed potatoes (an Erin request for dinner tomorrow) and a 32 oz. can of Miller High Life (the best value big can that I could get with my change and not have to break the tenner in my wallet). The cashier must've thought...I don't know what she must've thought.

It's very cool out tonight, the sky is crystal clear, the stars are out (at least as many stars as you can see in the city), and the moon is three-quarters full (waning gibbous!). It's a perfect proto-fall night. It's the sort of night that makes me want to drive around with my windows down till like 3am. Sadly, I must work tomorrow so I can't indulge that whim. But it's alright.

Had an excellent weekend. Left work a bit early on Friday, bought a few new shirts, watched "Rushmore", and burned some CDs. When Erin got home from work we got a bite to eat and watched some Simpsons. Erin had all Saturday off, which we spent hanging about and cooking a big pot of beef stew. It was a gray, rainy, cool day, perfect for filling the apartment with the smells of stew and cornbread muffins. Today I finally caught up on a load of random things I meant to do (email, reading, cleaning), listened to an absolute load of R.E.M., brought Erin coffee at work & visited with her there for a bit during a lull, and talked with Dave. Was a very good, mundane Sunday. Sundays were designed for mundanity, really. When Erin got home from work we chowed down on chili dogs and watched the Rams game I taped from this afternoon. It was great to be able to spend some quality time together this weekend, even if we didn't do much out of the ordinary. And like I've said before, there's nothing either of us can do about our work schedules, but it's nice when we can chill out together properly.

A train just rumbled by on the tracks on the other side of my apartment building. I can still hear it down the way, wheels squealing on the tracks. I actually love living next to tracks. I suppose that's just because I'm used to it -- my old apartment at college was up a hill from the tracks in Cape, and my current place is even closer to the ones here in my neighborhood. I did, and do, love to just lay in bed late at night and feel the locomotives shaking the building. I suppose it's a bizarre thing to find comforting, but hey.

I must fight the urge to stay up very late tonight. It's the sort of Sunday night that in college I'd just do it and then sort of doze through my first lecture on Monday morning. Computer science classes were great for's the lights off/projector on/droning professor combo that did it, I think. It's not like I slept through all of my early classes, just once in a while. But it was nice to have the option.

This has been a very poorly written entry but I don't care in the least. There's still a lot of this big can of beer left, I doubt I'll finish it all. Anyway, time to wind down and prepare to dive back into the real world in the morning.

Quarterback controversy?

then / now