in the city

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9-15-03 // 9.03 pm

got the tickets from some fucked up bloke in camden town

NP: Pulp - "Different Class"

Ah, what a day. I'm taking Erin to the airport (she's going to visit her friend Alison in New England over the weekend) Friday at noontime and taking the rest of that day off work, so in order to still maintain a 40 hour week I'm working base days of 10 hours the rest of this week. I mean, it's all good, as it's a good way to stay in good graces with my 'superiors', avoid burning vacation time, and still score the day off. So yeah, the long day combined with the fact that I had a horribly restless sleep last night and that I felt almost like I was coming down with an illness this morning has left me wiped this evening.

The past few days there have been random guys in wife-beaters down in the courtyard working on some old-ass car. I don't think they much care for the fact that I've been playing the stereo with the windows open. It's not my fault they don't appreciate Jarvis Cocker. Plus, they were out there damn early this morning clanking around and waking me up, so we're even.

Check out my inclusion in the September issue of The Common Space. One Saturday afternoon several weeks ago, myself and several other St. Louis fotologgers were sent on a mission by Brian, the guy who runs the Common Space. We were to take two pictures of a "day in the life" of the city & he would use them in a sort of photo essay in his web magazine. Anyway, you can see the results by following the link above. I wasn't very happy with the photos I turned in, but hey, what you gonna do?

I'm absolutely starving, I can't wait for Erin to get home from work so we can get dinner started.

I don't have anything interesting to say tonight. Makes me wonder why I'm writing in the first place.

then / now