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9-19-04 // 9.25 am

american aquarium drinker

NP: Wilco - "Yankee Hotel Foxtrot"

My allergies are killing me again today. Watery eyes, lots of sniffling. This sucks.

The cat woke me up at 8 o'clock this morning, yowling and yowling. Then Erin's work called twice, which pretty much meant I wasn't getting back to sleep at any point this morning. So I just got up.

Had a good day yesterday doing absolutely nothing of importance. I went for a walk, I went to the Loop and soaked up the ambiance of life being lived, I listened to music & I read a bit. The day's only productivity was doing a few loads of laundry. And I'm fine with that.

This morning was extremely loud, but now it's quieted down, which is good. Not much doing today until around noon when it's time for lunch with my parents and sister. Later, I will listen to more music & also do chore type stuff that I've been putting off for far too long. Not a big deal, it's just nice to know that for the first weekend in ages I don't have to worry about work calling me to let me know that something's gone horribly wrong with my project.

I'm looking forward to hopefully taking some time off in October. I'll have to see how it goes, but even an entire week would be fantastic. I haven't taken a single vacation day since the end of May, now that I think about it. Maybe I'll shoot for the second week of the month...hmm.

There's apparently an Irish festival going on in Dogtown today. Maybe this afternoon I'll go watch some hurling.

then / now