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10-1-03 // 9.56 pm

sleep it off

NP: Elbow - "Cast Of Thousands"

I can't wait to see 'em in a couple of weeks. I know it's only an opening act type set, and I'll ultimately be disappointed and grumble about how they should've been the headliners, but still. This is a great band. Sadly, they're too much of an indie rock Peter Gabriel on quaaludes to really gain an audience here in the States.

It's too bad that taking the risk to become a professional music journalist is so high. 'Cause I could totally go for that. I mean, listening to music that moves me automatically makes me want to write about it and to spread the word, to expose others to it, regardless of if they'll ultimately dig it or not. In any case, I will stick with my job working for the man, for that will allow me to still write about music in a (very) amateur capacity, while still earning enough money to ensure I won't be sleeping on the streets.

Today was pretty nondescript, I went to work, I did some work, I talked with my coworkers, I drove home, I did chores, I read Rolling Stone, I wrote an email to Ryan H, and I drank a few beers (cans of Budweiser, thoughtfully provided at no cost by my dad via his work), and here we are.

If you do one thing, listen to the song Not A Job. It's a good reminder that not every single thing in the world is a job you have to do today. Some things can wait till tomorrow. That, my friends, is possibly the most comforting and psyche-saving thought there is.

then / now