in the city

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10-11-01 // 9.27 pm

world of adventures

NP: Flower Kings - "Scanning the Greenhouse"

I'm feeling somewhat melancholy this evening, probably because it's been raining for about a day and a half straight. I'm also a bit tired.

In an alternate universe, I would be in Seattle right now, most likely having an incredible time. In this universe, today I'm right here and she hasn't even dropped me a line.

Ryan came down Wednesday afternoon. We ended up getting Thai for dinner and going to Ragsdale's later in the evening. I hadn't been all semester up until that point...I'd forgotten what a joy that pub is. Apparently in my absence they've renovated parts of the building and have started a microbrewery and opened a restaurant. Woo hoo. In any case, shot pool, threw darts, and drank. I drank my fair share but wasn't too bad...Ryan got hammered. The poor guy...whilst sitting at the bar he spilled both a glass full of ice and a little basket of popcorn. I felt sorry for the bartender. Six separate times (in the span of about half an hour) Ryan told me that he wanted to call his girlfriend when we got back to my place. I think he almost fell over walking back, too. Slept in this morning, took Ryan on a tour of the old downtown area in which I live, had some lunch, did some shopping (not much else to do when it's raining), and such. This evening I'm just sitting around doing nothing in particular.

I came across a bunch of stuff for my Halloween costume. Only a couple of items left and I'm set. I'm gonna be the best Col. Sanders in the history of the world.

I want to go to the gym tonight but because of break, they shut their doors at seven o'clock. Grrr.

I just wish I wasn't alone all the time. I'd like for someone to love me for once.

I work 8am to 5pm tomorrow. I'm almost looking forward to it...not like there's anything else to do otherwise.

then / now