in the city

latest / older / g-book / profile / d-land

10-10-01 // 12.07 am

no-one wants to help me look for places where good things might be found

NP: The Beach Boys - "Pet Sounds"

The current date is the binary representation of the number 41.

I went to the gym this evening for the first time in about a week and a half. It felt great to sweat, lift, and run.

I'm extremely hungry at the moment. I wish someone would go to Denny's with me. I'd even settle for a Taco Bell run.

I'm still not going to Seattle on Thursday. In the back of my mind I've had this pathetic little fantasy that by now, she'd tell me that things are OK with her again and that she'd love to spend a few days with me. But I guess not. I'm amazed by how simultaneously, she seems to care so much and so little about me. I just want to meet her, finally. To wrap my arms around her and know what she feels like. To have conversations that aren't over long distance phone lines, ones that let me see her facial expressions and body language. I want to debunk the myth she's become. I'm certain none of this will ever happen.

Get bent

then / now