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10-13-03 // 10.50 am

a heart pumping the roads

NP: Marillion - ""

I must have fallen into an alternate reality, as it's a Monday morning and I'm feeling good and am in a decent mood. Amazing.

It seems I have a fairly full social calendar this week, which is another argument in favor of the alternate reality hypothesis. Watching the Rams tonight with Erin, Ryan S is coming over after work on Tuesday, I'm meeting my dad after work on Thurs. to pick out a car CD player for my mom's birthday & to have dinner, and Ryan H is likely going to come up Friday night/Saturday for some hanging out and Chinese food (his fiancee hates it so he only gets to eat it when we get together). Oh, and Saturday evening my grandma & grandpa are having a dinner for my mom's b-day. Whew.

Today is apparently Columbus Day. It's one of those quasi-holidays that you gradually forget about as you grow up. Is it even a federal holiday? I mean, I'm at work, and nobody I know is off work, but will banks and the post office be closed? This is the information I need. Oh, and today is also the Canadian Thanksgiving. Sadly, I have another month and a half to go till the American version. That's a long time to wait for my annual fix of turkey, stuffing and pumpkin pie. Seriously, Thanksgiving is the one day of the year that I throw caution to the wind and say "to hell" with my usual credo of moderation in eating. If your stomach isn't crying out for mercy after Thanksgiving dinner, you're not doing it right.

I went to the break room a little while ago in search of tomato juice. While there, I noticed, sitting on the long table in the middle of the room, free tickets to some sort of "unlock the secrets of financial success" seminar at the Adam's Mark. I wasn't interested, but two things caught my attention: the tickets' face value was $69, an insane cost, and also, the tickets were accompanied by a page torn out of a newspaper featuring photos of who I assume are the speakers at said conference. Written in sharpie above the photos was the legend "FREE TICKETS!". I wonder who in my office has a stake in this shady deal?

Now it's time to get ready to attend the useless, bureaucratic weekly "status meeting". I'm going to tell everyone my status, I'm going to shout it from the highest mountain! The excitement is palpable.

then / now