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10-14-01 // 12.28 am

out of college money spent, see no future pay no rent

NP: Beatles - "Abbey Road"

I bought my first copy of this album on cassette when I was ten years old. I think I had a gift certificate to that now-defunct Music Vision across from the mall. When my uncle Rick left the country & moved to Sydney to work for that airline, I inherited his turntable and bunch of of which was an original Apple pressing of "Abbey Road". Sure it was scratched nearly beyond use, but that made it even more endearing to showed it'd been played to death. One day, I even found an old handwritten note tucked inside the LP was dated November 1969, signed from my mom and the rest of my aunts and uncles to my uncle Mike. I'm guessing the LP was originally a birthday present or something. I only upgraded to CD like a year ago...I think I got someone to buy it for me for Christmas. Anyway, besides all the other stuff, listening to this thing always reminds me of a snowy childhood winter, right before the New Year. For whatever reason, there's also an image of the old BAC theater on the West End that goes along with it all. If I really think about it, there's probably a vivid memory corresponding to each album I own.

It rained all day today. Seriously. So as a result, I did a lot of reading and sitting around watching sports on TV. I burned some CDs after finally figuring out what made my burner destroy about six blanks. I watched SNL whilst eating popcorn and drinking lager. It's funny that after nearly five years of uni, my Saturday nights have devolved back to where they were when I was like 15. Well, I didn't have the beer then but otherwise...

One of the things I hate most about this town: it's currently cold enough out to see my breath, but the humidity is so high, I have the AC on. Try to figure that one out.

There's this place on Kingshighway across from my bank called Freedom Rock. I think it's some sort of youth center. But the name is kind of odd...always makes me think it should be a disco in Beijing or something.

Tomorrow I have to write the essays for that Music in World Culture take-home exam. Ah, there's no way I'd rather spend the first sunny afternoon in a week than at the library writing about the sociology of music. I didn't really want to watch that Rams game... Ugh.

then / now