in the city

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10-16-04 // 10.45 am

first we take manhattan

Went out drinking on the Loop last night, which was a blast, and this morning I feel fuzzy. I didn't even drink that much, maybe five glasses of stout over the course of four hours. I think part of it may be down to the fact that we went to IHOP afterwards and didn't get back home and in bed till nearly four in the morning. Maintenance guy came by and woke me up less than six hours later, at which point I couldn't fall back asleep. Damn. Oh well, I'll just have to sleep even more tomorrow. Anyway, last night was the first drinking I've done in about a month, and I think it'll be enough to last me another month.

I bought a Leonard Cohen compilation last night, it's fantastically good. Normally I shy away from collections like that, instead preferring actual albums, but with him I couldn't decide where to start so I just grabbed the 2-CD retrospective. Apparently Cohen selected the tracks on the comp himself, which is cool.

The apartment is a disaster area, I need to clean at some point today. I did some stuff yesterday evening, like vacuuming, some dishes, and cleaning the fish bowl, but today the kitchen and bathrooms need to be scrubbed. Need to do a few loads of laundry. There's also clutter everywhere, it's time to organize a bit.

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