in the city

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10-21-03 // 10.57 am

there is no end to long hard nights of drinking

NP: Crowded House - "Woodface"

Steve is a fellow fan of Neil Finn's solo work, but has never heard a note of Crowded House. What?! So of course, I'm taking care of that.

I was in the kitchen this morning getting the cats fresh water when I slipped and fell. The refrigerator has this unsafe habit of expelling condensation in a big pool on the floor. Normally I see it and towel it up without incident, but this morning the light was just so, and *bam*, down I went. My right hand instinctually went out to break my fall, resulting in a bit of a jammed wrist. It's not a big deal, and I don't think it's a sprain (it's definitely not broken), but still, it's annoying.

Took me over an hour to get to work this morning. First there was a fucking car on fire on 44 between Grand and Jefferson. The city had a big-ass fire truck out there on the highway, blocking off a lane and a half, and backing traffic up for miles. Lovely. I drove a while longer, crossed the bridge, continued into Illinois, and about 9 miles down 64, traffic comes to a halt. Eventually there's a slow filtering of cars and forward movement, at which point I realize the left lane has been blocked off with massive dayglo orange barrels. This goes on for five miles. I eventually make it to the office even later than I had originally been running this morning.

Upon getting to my desk, I find out that through the testing I've been helping to create/run, the tech lead has discovered a "major flaw" in the design logic of the project I'm working on. Which is good 'cause it's better to find errors now than later, but it's also bad 'cause it means it upsets the steady flow we've amassed. But oh well, and to be honest, it's not directly my problem, as I wasn't in on the design of this project, I'm more of the coder/tester.

Anyway, this day has had an auspicious beginning, but regardless I'm in a rather good mood. Ryan S is coming by tonight, at which point stereotypical man type stuff will occur -- eating pizza, drinking beer, playing cards (Magic counts as cards, even though it's wussified compared to poker), and probably watching some of the Series. Oh, and I will also ask him to tell me more about the engagement ring he bought for his girlfriend. Not so manly. In any case, they probably won't get married for a couple of years at the very least, not until she finishes college, but it's still neat.

My allergies are killing me at the moment. Actually, it's been the past two or three days. We're having a bit of a unseasonable warm snap, which in addition to bringing about the dreaded ladybug invasion, has alternately been making my eyes super dry and painfully scratchy, or watery to the point where it looks like I've been crying.

Ah, what a day. I think I need another cup of coffee.

then / now