in the city

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10-23-02 // 8.30 am


Yesterday, today, and tomorrow I am in this "team leadership" training class here at work. On one hand, it eats up the entire day, so I don't have to do any actual work. Though on the other hand, it's really boring. Plus, for some reason, the rest of the class outvoted me, and they switched the starting time from 8.30 to 7.30 in the morning. Fuckers. So that meant I had to get up at 6.15 this was still dark when I woke up, and it was 99% dark when I left the apartment. It was barely light when I got to the office and grumbled my way to my desk. I'm on a five minute "break" right

Oh, and I'm pretty sure I'm coming down with whatever cold/flu/whatever that Erin has. Woke up this morning with a bit of a scratchy throat, some sniffling, and some pressure behind my ears. Classic symptoms of shit that I get every so often. Though so far, things seem far less savage than they usually are, which is a good thing.

Went to JC Penny's and bought some new clothes last night. Erin was my personal shopper (something she'd be very good at, incidentally), and I came away with new jeans, some corduroy slacks, some shirts, and a sweater. All very nice.

Now I think I have to go back to "class". Someone teleport me out of here.

P.S. As I don't actually live in Canada, I just figured out the other day that there's a new Matt Good single out, called Weapon. Well, you can't actually buy it yet, but it's on radio (I guess somewhere in Canada), and streaming at Mr Good's website. Check it out, it alternately rocks, soars, and lulls, as is the fashion. Plug over, baby.

then / now