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10-21-02 // 10.31 am

this is a concept

NP: Interpol - "Turn on the Bright Lights"

Most reviews I've read of this compare it to Joy Division and move on. Which is unfair. Yeah, I hear Joy Division, both in the ragged, propulsive guitars, and in the singer's voice (which is in the neighborhood of Ian Curtis, but also David Byrne), but I also hear a bit of Velvet Underground, some prime-period Talking Heads, and the ghosts of a handful of other Mancunian bands. Lyrically, it's not Ian Curtis. To these ears, it's almost a cross between Morrissey and the oblique approach that Roddy Woomble uses. In any case, it's a good record, and especially well worth it considering Borders was selling it for ten bucks.

I like that Erin and I both understand that books and music are important. Like, yes, we have bills to pay, and yes we have to eat, but we also have to feed our brains. I've always thought it was important to work things like that in.

I wrote some words earlier this morning. For the first time in absolutely ages, they seemed to flow from me...nothing was forced. That's why I don't write more often, there's no point in making yourself do it.

I'm back at work on a Monday morning, and I wish I could just go home and have the weekend again. I would have loved to just call in this morning, to have stayed in bed, had a leisurely day drinking coffee, talking, and maybe going for a walk. But nope, I'm at work. But that's alright.

Right now I'm thinking of her and waiting for the end of the working day

then / now