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10-27-03 // 10.27 am

I *heart* elvis

NP: iPod, random stylee (Dire Straits - Skateaway)

I really have no idea what I'm supposed to be doing at work today. My project manager came by a while ago and asked if I had been assigned to something else, but he didn't give me any direction. So here I sit, vaguely annoyed at the fact that there was no good reason for me getting up and coming to the office this morning. Oh well, it all pays the same. Though I would prefer to be a bit busy again, considering it feels like I was fairly idle for most of last week.

(Marillion - The Party. This came on purely at random, I swear.)

Steve's Halloween party was great, well worth the long drive out to the middle of nowhere it required. Anyway, good times -- there were easily 20 or so people there, which doesn't sound like much, but for a post-Cape Steve Halloween party, that's a hell of a crowd. Costumes were pretty good, though there were no show-stoppers as in past years. I was only moderately pleased with my own Arthur Dent, though it was at least good enough to get some "cool" replies. At least the majority of the attendees knew who I was supposed to be without my having to launch into an explanation. So yeah, we half-watched "The Ring", played Buzz and Celebrities, talked, drank, drank some more, and "time travelled" back an hour when daylight savings time ended at 2am.

Oh, and I took some photos. None of the party itself as of yet, though some good ones anyway.

(The Smiths - I Know It's Over)

Had a good room in the same motel Erin and I always stay in when we head out that way for a visit. However, we were woken up super early by a pack of small children, running in circles and screaming, in the time-tested and approved manner that all children do. That led to getting very little sleep, and also to a massive hangover. I don't even recall drinking that much, to be honest, but I obviously didn't have enough time to sleep off even what I had drank. But oh well, a big cup of coffee, a silent two-lane highway drive home through rural eastern Illinois, a couple of aspirin, and a very necessary stop at KFC in Salem finally brought me back to some semblance of life. Still, I was so tired that all I could do upon returning to St. Louis was put away the contents of my duffle bag and crash on the couch watching the taped Rams game.

(Midnight Oil - Bedlam Bridge)

I passed a car on the interestate this morning that had on it both a bumper sticker saying "I *heart* Elvis", and a decal of the cover of Belle & Sebastian's "Fold Your Hands Child, You Walk Like A Peasant". Gotta love that.

(The The - The Twilight Hour)

I have a "status meeting" here in a while, hopefully that gives my day some direction. Otherwise, I fear that time will grind to a complete stop. And I don't need that, especially on a Monday.

then / now