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10-28-03 // 11.03 am

oh girl, you have no faith in medicine

I feel dirty. The past few nights I've been watching "I Love the '80s" on VH1, which should fill me with loathing, but it hasn't been. I normally can't stand gushy retro-love. But they've been picking good things for each year of the decade ("Fraggle Rock"!), and Michael Ian Black is one of the commentators, so yeah. Oh, and to complete the "the dirt, it's not coming off!" vibe, a friend at work lent me the new White Stripes album, and not only am I listening to it, it's not half bad. I wouldn't spend my own money on it, but it's decent enough that I'm not turning it off in disgust. All I can figure out is that this new one is more palatable to me since they've toned down the "fake garage punk" angle and turned the raunchy, fuzzed-out blues and hard rock knob way up. I mean, there is only so much you can do with a drum and a guitar, but this is probably the best use of their formula I've heard.

Today's shaping up to be a rather good day. It's cool and cloudy out, I've finally been given something new to do at work (though it's not too taxing, so it's just about the perfect pace), there are no soul-destroying meetings to sit through, and Ryan S is coming by tonight, most likely for Chinese food and some cards. Word.

Ah, I wish I had more to say right now but I don't. But that's alright, really. Life's been feeling very balanced lately. Balanced and as good as it's ever been, to be completely honest. I know that may sound trite, but it's the truth.

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