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10-27-04 // 12.18 am

le voyage de bumblebee

NP: Air - "Moon Safari"

Apparently being in the franchise's first World Series in 17 years means the Cardinals can forget things like how to run the bases. My old little league coach would eat these guys alive for all of the stupid, fundamental errors that have been made in the first three games. Also, it's very bad when suddenly your 3-4-5 hitters can't fucking hit anything. Sigh. I suppose I should start gearing up for a month's worth of insufferable Red Sox fans, then. And just let me reiterate, that team is not made up of "scrappy underdogs". They're the second highest paid team in the major leagues. But whatever, they're playing ball when it counts which is more than I can say for the Birds, sadly.

A week from now, barring any further third-world style election mishaps, the constant barrage of political shit will subside for a while. I'm so tired of being bombarded with accusations and press conferences and the same five "talking points" being repeated ad nauseum.

I'm kind of crotchety tonight for some reason.

Work stinks right now. It's not super busy, just in one of those phases where I'm given vague direction to do something, but it's not really in the phase where I can do anything yet. If that makes sense.

Last night was Erin's Leage of Pissed Off Voters indie dance night, they were releasing and trying to turn people on to their candidate endorsement slate. So the event was at the Way-Out Club, which I've driven past but never been inside. It's in that neighborhood full of decaying warehouses and such around Jefferson and Gravois, and I had no idea where I was supposed to park. But it was a great time, despite the fact that Monday night isn't exactly the time of the week that my body wants to party. So I drank some beers, listened to some good music and generally tried to mingle. We didn't get home and asleep till like 1.30 or 2 o'clock in the morning. I slept till 8 o'clock this morning and then tried to make it in to work before 9 am. It didn't happen, thanks to the massive accident on 44 that totally blocked up traffic for miles.

It's chilly and amazingly humid tonight, the bane of October and February in a Mississippi River town. It's the kind of night where you feel like you need to run a fan and huddle under a blanket, but neither really hits the spot.

Now I should get some sleep.

then / now