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10-30-02 // 11.16 am

I know this work is never finished

NP: David Gray - "A New Day at Midnight"

This doesn't actually come out till next week, but you can stream the entire LP on his official site. Alternately, if you feel like digging around at the site, you can download the real audio files to your hard drive and listen that way. I did up a handy page for exactly that purpose. Anway, the LP... I haven't listened to it enough to really form a proper opinion. But at least so far, it definitely doesn't feel like the cheap, easy follow up to "White Ladder". I mean, there's only so much room for experimentation within Gray's usual framework, but what I mean is that the new album doesn't seem like a retread of the last one. Which is an impressive trap to have avoided. Mostly, it still feels fuelled by real, honest emotion. Apparently his father died and his son was born during the making of the record, so yeah... I'm always impressed by people who can turn their pain into something positive, a work of art or whatever.

This morning, as I got into the car to head to work, I spilled coffee on my pants. Nothing huge, but just enough to warrant heading back inside and changing. The worst part of all is that the whole thing wouldn't have happened if I hadn't opened up the travel mug to check on the coffee, which I discovered was way, way, way too sweet. I think I accidentally poured too much in during preparation. See, folks, this is why I shouldn't be allowed to do things first thing in the brain's still not quite warmed up at that point.

It is yet again cold, cloudy, and windy here. It's been like this for days and days now... I mean, don't get me wrong, I love this time of year and this sort of weather. But a day of bright sunshine would be welcome right about now. It's starting to get dark at like 5 o'clock, too. Which is kind of depressing when you're working a full time job. I mean, it's light for a bit while you're driving to work, but by the time you're heading home, the sun is setting. It just seems like you're living in darkness. Which isn't true, but it's strange. At least there's weekend days where you're not stuck in a windowless room all day.

Talked with Ryan the other day, hadn't for a while. I think we're going to try to get together for a while this weekend, maybe on Saturday afternoon. Not sure yet, though, have to discuss it more. In any case, it'll be good to hang out for a while...I haven't seen him for absolutely ages. Which is kind of silly considering he only lives back across the river, and that his girlfriend lives in the city, too.

I'm looking forward to this weekend. Resting up will be nice (I just can't seem to catch up on sleep this week, for some reason), as will be getting paid, pizza and beer night (which sounds so good right about now), and going out and doing some stuff. Ooh, I nearly forgot. Not this weekend, but the next, Erin and I are borrowing her grandpa's minivan and we're heading up to Chicago (well, technically the suburban non-glory of Schaumburg) to invade the IKEA store. We're going to IKEA ourselves to death...a computer table (finally!), lots of stuff to totally trick out the apartment, gifts, and I think we're even going to have lunch in the store restaurant. In any case, it promises to combine the fun of a roadtrip with the joy of Swedish engineered home furnishings. Rock on.

The break room is out of creamer (both actual half & half, and the dodgy powdered creamer stuff) today, so I'm drinking the already weak coffee with just a bit of sugar. It's not particularly satisfying, but hey, it'll do.

This morning is going by rather quickly, which is nice. Especially considering most of yesterday positively crawled by.

Right now I wish I was home with Erin, snuggling up underneath a blanket, and getting ready to eat lunch and spend the rest of the day together. I know I'll be home in like six hours, but still... I dream of her, you know? She's in my thoughts, she's in my dreams...this morning before I had to leave, I looked deep into her half-awake eyes and nearly broke down right there, purely out of being overwhelmed with joy and amazement. She's gorgeous, she's brilliant, she's food for my body, mind, and soul. God, I'm lucky...

then / now