in the city

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10-31-02 // 10.11 am

stick to the plan

NP: Matt Good Band - "The Audio of Being"

Today is Halloween. Here at work, they said "go ahead and wear a costume if you'd like to, as long as it's tasteful". Of course, nobody did...except for this one guy. He's wearing a cowboy outfit...checkered shirt, boots, big black hat, the works. It's rather scary. Funnily enough, this is the first year in a while that I haven't had a costume. Speaking of Halloween, I wonder if we're actually going to get any trick-or-treaters tonight? There are plenty of kids in our building, not to mention our complex....not sure if they'll come around, though. Oh well, if not, that's more candy for us.

It's cloudy and drizzly again today. I don't think I've seen the sun since about last Friday. Seriously. Like I've said, I love clouds, I love rain, and I love the gray. But at some point, enough is enough.

No matter what happens in life, I will always bask in the glow of the knowledge that I will never again have to take another calculus exam.

Finally caught up with Ryan after days of playing phone tag. Looks like we're going to meet up for a while Saturday afternoon, like at the Galleria, which is a good midway point. Not sure what we're going to do, probably just hang out and goof around, but that's fine by me.

My phone just rang with the guy on the other end "calling to check on the status of a computer". Of course, by now, my standard response is "this isn't Computer Renaissance". You see, my phone number is xxx-3390, and the store is xxx-3990. People make this mistake constantly, to the point where I now correct them and say "yeah, you want 3990". It's ridiculous. Yeah, I know I could just go to the IT guys and get a new phone #, but I'm lazy and don't feel like changing. So for now, I suppose I'll just deal with the confusion.

Today I don't feel at all like working. I feel like creating, exploring, appreciating. I feel like being lazy, I feel like moving at my own pace, I feel like being. Days like this I feel trapped in my cube. But ultimately, it's alright. It's moments like this which make you appreciate your moments of freedom even more.

then / now