in the city

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11-2-04 // 5.20 pm

tune into some friendly voices

NP: Kate Bush - "Hounds Of Love"

A fitting, atmospheric accompaniment to this cold, gray November evening.

Woke up with Erin at 5.30 this morning, helped her get out the door and onto her first post, and then realized there was no point/no time to go back to bed, since I'd been planning on rising at 6 o'clock anyway. So I showered and dressed and went down the street to vote. There was a long line stretching outside, but thankfully it moved quickly enough that I was inside and out of the rain after not long. So after waiting in four (!) separate lines, including one massive one to actually pick up my ballot, I got my vote on. No surprises, really, except that I sort of bit the bullet and voted Democrat instead of Green or Libertarian on some of the bigger state offices. I did vote Green for the state house & senate races, however. Of course, I did end up voting for Kerry for President. Despite the fact that I still don't think he's anything that special, as a nation we need to move back to the left after four shitty years of radical neo-conservatism, and voting third party for president wasn't going to help defeat Bush in Missouri. So anyway, an hour and fifteen minutes after showing up, my poll was cast and I was on my way to work. Hooray.

By the way, I still don't apologize for voting for Nader in 2000.

I'll be watching election returns tonight, probably NBC since it's Tom Brokaw's last night as anchor and everything. I always did like him -- good cadence and ever so slightly casual, but without the annoying folksiness of Dan Rather or the Vulcan-esque expressions of Peter Jennings. Anyway, here's to hoping things break towards Kerry -- fingers crossed.

Work wasn't anything special, just a bunch of meetings and finally some direction on the project I was assigned to.

Now I'm home, laying on the couch under a blanket, with the heater on in the apartment and a big growling of my belly. Hopefully Erin will be home sooner rather than later so we can chow down and she can tell me about her adventures.

then / now